Coláiste Lorcáin Castledermot

Well Done to ALL


With a day to go until the midterm break, I want to say WELL DONE - to students and their families and all school staff for what we have achieved together since school resumed on January 11th last. Student engagement has been excellent and we are all proud of their good humour and commitment at this strange and challenging time. The support of parents / guardians and family members has been vital and noticeable. School staff have embraced the challenges involved and have worked hard to both teach and support students. Hopefully, in the not too distant future, we will be back to classroom and school life in person.

I hope that all students and staff take a good break and rest and recharge for the next term. Many thanks and well done!

E. Gaughran, Principal.

Már 17
No School - National Holiday
Már 18
Staff Meeting
Aib 14
Easter Holidays
Aib 21
Easter Holidays
Castledermot, Co. Kildare, R14X620.
059 9144167
© 2025 Coláiste Lorcáin Castledermot