Please find below a number of documents in relation to current 6th class students who hope to join us next September (2021).
There is a letter about the process from the school principal.
CL Letter of Invitation to Open Evening October 2020.pdf
The enrolment forms can be downloaded here and / or can be sent out by the school secretary. They should be returned no later than Thursday, October 28th. There are two forms to return: Application for Admission and the Subject Options form.
1st Year Enrolment Form 2021.pdf
Options Form.pdf
There is a leaflet about subject options, uniforms, etc.
1st Year Subjects Booklet October 2020.pdf
There is a poster about the school's expectations of students and what students can expect from us.
You Can Expect Poster.pdf
Finally, there is a copy of the Powerpoint Presentation that would have been used had we been able to host an Open Evening.
CL Incoming 1st Yr Powerpoint 2020.pdf